

记录安装Jupyter Lab,配置插件,配置远程访问的过程。

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2020年6月,GitHub 宣布它将开始在其站点上删除对master的引用,并且认为通过将存储库中的默认分支名称更改为main而不是master,我们所有人都可以在消除技术上的分歧性语言方面迈出步伐。对于之前的代码存储库,如果你的代码 CI/CD 代码逻辑和分支名称没有关系(不会产生关联问题),不妨通过以下5个步骤,与大部分代码存储库行为保持一致。

从2021年1月开始,GitHub 将开始推出功能,以使重命名现有存储库的默认分支变得更加容易。https://github.com/github/renaming

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With Colaboratory (referred to as Colab), you can write and execute Python code in the browser, and: without any configuration, free use of GPU, easy to share.

Most people first used Colab to squeeze Google’s wool for free. Colab was born around 18 years ago. The most resounding slogan is the free GPU/TPU. Free computing power is waiting for you. After all, it is a habit. game. Sure enough, at the beginning of 2020, the Colab Pro membership policy started, paying to allocate better computing power (V100/T4/K80 gives priority to V100 XD), longer code continuous calculation time (general user code runs 12H automatically), and Balabala’s differentiated solution. Besides, if you run large-scale algorithms on Colab, whether the data set behind it is placed on Drive or GCS, it will be an additional cost. By the way, continue to explore potential users, and you will get multiple results!

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Compose 是 Docker 公司推出的一个工具软件,可以管理多个 Docker 容器组成一个应用。你需要定义一个 YAML 格式的配置文件docker-compose.yml,写好多个容器之间的调用关系。然后,只要一个命令,就能同时启动/关闭这些容器。 Mac 和 Windows 在安装 docker 的时候,会一起安装 docker compose。记录在 Linux 系统 (Ubuntu) 中安装 docker compose 并且启用 OH-MY-ZSH 的 Docker 命令自动补全功能 。

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